
Honey J Corporation Completes Capital Increase

旅行業を中心に海外企業と日本を結びマーケティングサポートをする株式会社Honey J コーポレーションは、

増資後の資本金 6,000万円

株式会社 Honey J コーポレーション(本社:名古屋市北区、代表取締役社長:伊藤淳一)



【増資前資本金】  1,000万円
【増資金額】    5,000万円
【増資後の資本金】 6,000万円

Honey J Corporation Completes Capital Increase

Nagoya, Japan – June 1, 2023 – Honey J Corporation( Nagoya Japan; President and CEO: Junichi Ito) is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed a capital increase as of June 1, 2023.

The capital has been increased to 60 million yen, reflecting our commitment to improving services
to our valued customers and expanding our business.

Key details of the capital increase are as follows:

  • Previous capital:       10 million yen
  • Capital increase amount:  50 million yen
  • New capital amount:     60 million yen

Honey J Corporation remains grateful for the continued support and patronage of our valued customers.
We look forward to serving you even better in the future.

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